Wednesday, November 08, 2006

China Standard: should we support you?

11/8/2006, There are more and more Chinese technology standards becoming focus of our everyday chatting. From Chinese 3G standard TD-SCDMA to Chinese WiFi standard WAPI, From Chinese standard WiMAX McWill to Chinese IPTV standard AVS,each one brandished its Chinese flag to blandish Chinese goverment, Chinese media. Should we support all of them just because they are Chinese standard?

About one week ago, WiMAX forum chairman Ronald Resnick said in a summit in Beijing that China should be equel to each standard, only in this way Chinese products, Chinese standard can merge in to the world. Mr. Chairman is worrying about WiMAX will be replaced by Chinese McWill, but what he said is not only one-side opinion.

To have standard, to reap benefits, everyone knows the marketing rule. But this benefits should belong to all the people, all the cooperations, not only some standard publishing organizations.

Chinese have responsibilities to support Chinese standard, only when the standard will bring benefits to all Chinese, only when this standard can really become an international standard. Otherwise, standard can just be a new trade blockade.

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