Monday, June 04, 2007

Why Wu ying leaves UT?

6/5/2007, Wuying, former founder of UTStarcom, also once the CEO of UTStarcom China, once nominated as UTStarcom global CEO, left UT last Friday. Also, He left UT not volunteeringly, he said he was forced to left.

In UT's news release, we can read there is disagreement between Wuing and other leaders, but the news release didn't make it clear.

According to a Chinese media report, Wuying insisted to let his UTStarcom China be an independent company, because in recent years, UT's total business became depending on Chinese business. But UTStarcom's board of directors won't accept such a suggestion. Just because this, they have to let Wu leave.

Is that a good reason? In some kind of way, Wu ying is the represent of UTStarcom in China. People like him, customers like him.

UTStarcom's stock price jump down 10% today, that shows investors also don't agree his leaving.

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